Here are some more fantastic results from Susan, who is a student in the Perfect Soil™ Certificate Course. Remember, from my last blog post, the broccoli at the back of the kale beds? They have matured, and here are some pictures of the comparison. Susan says, of herself and her gardening friends, “We are thrilled.”

(Above) Broccoli grown with Beyond Organic Growing System™ (BOGS™) with hands in photo for size comparison.

Broccoli grown with typical organic-type method Susan has used previously (compare to her hand size for perspective)
Susan made every effort to have a good comparison trial, such as planting the seeds from the same seed packet, at the same time, watering the same, etc. The difference was the fertilization according to a Nutrition Grown™ soil analysis, which is part of the Beyond Organic Growing System™ (BOGS™). Great work, Susan!
Join with us in growing the best food ever by enrolling in the Perfect Soil™ Course. Click here for more info. The course consists of a video series you can watch on your own schedule, a comprehensive Nutrition Grown™ soil analysis, one-on-one support, group calls, and more.
The Nutrition Grown™ soil analysis is much more comprehensive than typical soil tests, including pH, Total Cation Exchange Capacity, Organic Matter %, Base Saturation Percentages including Exchangeable Hydrogen, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Boron, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Aluminum, and Estimated Nitrogen Release, plus rarely tested, but very important, elements Cobalt, Molybdenum, Selenium, and Silicon, along with electrical conductivity (EC) . Exact calculations are made, along with balancing ratios between various elements. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all of these items. The recommendations will be made clear and easy to implement. The recommendations are also made in keeping with the USDA’s organic certification guidelines. The Nutrition Grown™ soil analysis with discussion can also be ordered separately from the course by clicking here.
Good Growing!
Dr. Jana
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