Nutrition Farming for Hawaii Research and Demonstration Garden–First Season
Nutrition Farming for Hawaii is a grant-funded project located at HIP Agriculture in Kapa`au, Hawaii and fiscally sponsored by the North Kohala Community Resource Center (NKCRC). The aim is to increase food nutritional content. This starts with improving the soil.
This spring, our ¼-acre research and demonstration garden was fertilized according to a Nutrition Grown™ soil analysis. (Click here for more about analyses.) The land is old sugarcane land, and is unbalanced. As you can see in the chart below, there were many values that needed improvement.
The follow-up analysis, 6 months after initial fertilizing, showed significant improvements of nearly every parameter. Correcting soil imbalances takes time, usually years. Only small amounts of certain nutrients can be applied at one time, otherwise the beneficial microbial life in the soil is overwhelmed. (Please note that soils vary greatly from place to place, often even on the same property, so these values will not be the same as those of other nearby properties.)
If you have been following our blogs, you will have seen that our produce was laboratory analyzed and compared to USDA values for nutritional content. Our produce has well outpaced typical produce in nutritional content on nearly every parameter measured, even in our first year.
You can also view additional food nutritional analyses comparisons by clicking here.

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