Hi!  I am excited to be on “The Good Intentions Show” on the United Intentions (UI) Radio Network on 5/16 at 11am EST, 10am CT, 9am MT, 8am PT, and 5am HT.  Yes, I have to get up really early in the morning, have my computer system working properly, be awake, have something interesting to say–and look good!  :-))

United Intentions is all about Manifesting Your Passions.  Let’s do some manifesting together to create a better world, with really great food!

Here are links for the upcoming show (hover with your mouse):

Radio Show: https://www.spreaker.com/user/unitedintentions

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unitedintentions/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/unitedintentions

Twitter: https://twitter.com/higherintention

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unitedintentions/


Then at 12 noon HT (6pm ET, 5pm CT, 4pm MT, 3pm PT), I get interviewed by Paul Massey of Kauai Community Radio– http://www.kkcr.org –during his “In the Garden, On the Farm” show.  We will be discussing the latest and greatest info on Nutrition Grown™ production.

So, whether early or late, tune in and join us!

Blessings,  Dr. Jana