One of my students in the Perfect Soil Certificate Course, Susan, recently shared her results of a side-by-side comparison trial of the Beyond Organic Growing System(TM).  The control bed was fertilized/amended as she had done typically in the past with organic-type amendments.  The beds were planted on consecutive days with kale and broccoli starts from the same seed packs.  Every attempt was made to be as consistent as possible in every way except the fertilization method–same sizes of beds, same number of plants, same spacing, same irrigation, same mulch, etc.

Here are the results with the control bed first and the Beyond Organic bed next (as captioned):

Control Bed–typical organic bed of Russian Kale and Broccoli (in background).


Beyond Organic Growing System(TM) Bed: Russian Kale and Broccoli (in background)

The size difference is most noticeable, but also look at the color differences.  Here are some size comparison pictures using Susan’s foot to give some perspective:


Control Kale with Susan’s foot for size comparison


Beyond Organic kale with Susan’s foot for size comparison

Thanks so much, Susan, for sharing your work!

Learn more about the soil analysis used for the Beyond Organic bed fertilization on my website by clicking here.

Want to grow awesome food like this with support and camaraderie?  Join us for the Perfect Soil course by clicking here.

Stay tuned for more exciting research coming up!

Blessings,  Dr. Jana