Having a Doctor of Philosophy degree should allow one the philosophize (to speculate or theorize) on subjects related to one’s degree, in my case Horticulture and Food Science (with prior training in Nutrition). This may seem to be moving away from my typical scientific approach to problems, but I believe that great things can come from “thinking outside of the box”.
The pineal gland is is thought by some to be the “seat of spiritual consciousness”. It is associated with the “third eye”. The pineal gland is also known as the epiphysis. Perhaps this is hinting at something important.
From Dictionary.com—
/ [ih-pif–uh-nee]
–noun, plural -nies.
1. ( initial capital letter ) a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi; Twelfth-day.
2. an appearance or manifestation, esp. of a deity.
3. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
4. a literary work or section of a work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation and insight.
1275–1325; ME epiphanie < LL epiphanīa < LGk epipháneia, Gk: apparition, equiv. to epi- epi- + phan- (s. of phaínein to appear) + -eia -y3
Perhaps one experiences more epiphanies when one’s epiphysis is working optimally. Such is taught by David Wilcock and others. As people age their pineal glands tend to calcify—as do some other soft tissues in the body. This may decrease functionality. It seems that people dream less as they age, and general cognitive ability declines.
Are there certain nutrients that may impact pineal gland functionality? David Wolfe, among others, has explored the use of calcium supplements claiming that they cause calcification of soft tissue, such as the pineal gland. This is thought to be due in part to nanobacterial contamination in the calcium sources. Certain forms of calcium, such as calcium phosphates, may prove more hazardous than others. Unfortunately, I see various forms of calcium phosphates (i.e. monocalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate) added to many food products, such as nutritional bars, as well mineral supplements. Calcium carbonate is another form of calcium often seen in food products, such as soy milk. Obtaining calcium from food sources, not mined rocks, is the way nature intended for us to be nourished. Getting enough calcium from the diet is possible if one consumes high quality foods and is careful to maintain the appropriate pH balance by consuming predominately alkaline-forming foods (typically vegetables and fruit).
Adequate magnesium intake plays a large role in proper calcium utilization and bone tissue building in the body. Typical recommendations call for twice as much calcium consumption as magnesium, but some researchers have found the ideal ratio to be the opposite—twice as much magnesium as calcium. I have personally witnessed osteoporotic patients consuming 1500mg of calcium in the form of supplements per day and still experiencing further degradation of their condition. What are good sources of magnesium? Green vegetables in particular. There is a magnesium ion at the center of each chlorophyll molecule. Obtaining adequate magnesium is reported to help prevent and reverse calcification of soft tissue.
Organic sulfur in the form of MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) also appears to be helpful in decreasing soft tissue calcification. MSM occurs naturally in foods and is well utilized. MSM powder has a mild flavor and is easily consumed mixed in water. Many users report relief from pain and inflammation. The sulfur-containing vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower should be good sources especially if grown on sulfur-rich soil and eaten fresh.
Silicon is another element which appears to be helpful in getting calcium to the bones and teeth while keeping it out of the soft tissues. Silicon is available in fruits, vegetables and nuts grown on silicon-rich soils. Watermelons are typically grown on sandy, silicon-rich soil. Springtime horsetail herb is a favorite silicon supplement.
Strontium and boron also deserve mention here as important for bone growth and maintenance, as well as other functions in the body. Vegetables should also be a rich source of these minerals, if they are grown well in soils rich in these elements.
To be continued…
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