Finally Federally Legal
In December, the 2018 USA Farm Bill was passed allowing industrial hemp to be legally produced on a federal level. Industrial hemp is defined as cannabis plants with no more than 0.3% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound in cannabis that is psychoactive. Cannabis containing high levels of THC is generally termed marijuana.
Even though industrial hemp is now federally legal, the various states have their own regulations controlling industrial hemp. Industrial hemp encompasses many products, including hemp fiber, hemp seed for food and oil, and herbal extracts with high levels of non-psychoactive cannabinoid compounds, such as CBD (cannabidiol), used for health benefits.

CBD (Cannabidiol)
Our bodies have CBD receptors as part of an endocannabinoid system which regulate various bodily processes. Users enjoy for relief of symptoms such as:

  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • pain
  • movement disorders

CBD is extracted from flowers and leaves. High CBD-containing plants contain well over 100 identified compounds, each of which have healthful roles to play.  As people learn more about the wonderful benefits, the increasing demand for the product is keeping prices high.  More hemp needs to be grown to make these amazing products available to more people.

Hawaii Hemp
Hawaii is an awesome place to grow hemp due to the great year-round climate which allows the hemp to realize its full potential.  Hawaii’s industrial hemp pilot program allows licensed growers to produce limited amounts (currently up to 10 acres) of industrial hemp for the above products, including CBD. However, getting and keeping a license is not easy. One must have a secure growing site and a solid research plan, along with completing regular reports, getting crops tested, and abiding by other rules and regulations. Crops testing out over the allowed 0.3% THC generally have to be destroyed.  Therefore, excellent quality genetics are required.

Marijuana, which is cannabis containing more than 0.3% THC, is still federally illegal in the USA. However, some states allow limited marijuana use. These regulations vary greatly with some states even allowing recreational use of marijuana. To obtain a state medical marijuana license, an individual must see a specialized medical doctor who ascertains the need of the patient for the product, and then work with the state to obtain the license. While a complex process to go through, many patients find welcomed relief of various symptoms with the use of this natural plant product.

Uruguay and Canada Lead the Way
Uruguay was the first country to formally legalize cannabis, including marijuana. The law went into effect in 2017.
Canada was not far behind in allowing recreational use of marijuana (on a limited basis) and CBD production in the fall of 2018. Canada has allowed medical marijuana use with licensing since 2001. Industrial hemp production for seed and fiber has been allowed since 1998 with licenses.

An Amazing Cash Crop
Ever thought about growing hemp? High CBD dried flowers sell for $160 an ounce retail.
Beyond Organic Consulting works with growers to obtain hemp licenses, perform required research, and optimize soil for growing the best quality and most abundant crops. See to learn more.

Best to You,  Dr. Jana Bogs