by Dr. Jana Bogs | Jun 15, 2011 | Consulting
What is needed is something new…the nutraceutical industry, like many industries, relies on having new, different, better products—“new-traceuticals”! Consumers prefer herbal- and food-based products for their broad-spectrum of nutrients, especially if they are...
by Dr. Jana Bogs | May 24, 2011 | Consulting
People in the organic industry are on a passionate mission to make the world a better place. It’s not a profession one enters just for the money–it’s about doing things right. Organic farmers feel good about what they grow, organic product companies...
by Dr. Jana Bogs | May 23, 2011 | Consulting
What’s next for the organic industry in the US organic food and organic product areas? What are the challenges to future growth? Posted on April 1, 2011 by zintro In 2009, total US organic sales for food and non-food products were $26.6 billion and growing. With...
by Dr. Jana Bogs | May 22, 2011 | Research on Blood Glycemic Response
Does the cultivation system in which apples are grown affect blood glucose response from the resulting fruits? Field reports from diabetic patients and preliminary trial data suggest this may be so. For example, a diabetic patient in Washington state had been told by...
by Dr. Jana Bogs | May 21, 2011 | Research on Blood Glycemic Response
Here’s another trial with Fuji apples–Conventional Growing vs. Biological “Beyond Organic” type growing methods. The conventional apples’ blood glycemic response (red line) spiked up quickly to its peak in only 20 minutes. It also...
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